First-person hacking inspired puzzle game with an emphasis on level mastery.

About HA/CK

You're just one from a million deep learning model generations. To prove your performance alongside all the generations that came before you, you have to solve a series of tests devised by The Programmer. Devise unforethought solutions to achieve top times amongst your friends or worldwide.

Speedrun mode

A unique feature of HA/CK is a built-in speedrun mode. Keep track of a speedrun with an in-game timer and compete for the best speedrun times with your friends of the entire Steam Community. Beat the developer's time and acquire a special achievement!


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About the developer

Gampixi is a solo developer from Latvia. He has embarked on his game development journey since early adolescence. Thanks to the vast amount of knowledge found online, he has self-taught various skills required for game development, yet considers himself to be more of a programmer.

You can contact the developer via email

Alternatively, find Gampixi on Twitter @gampixi_LV

Or just visit Gampixi's website

Created in 2019-01-23, updated in 2019-02-12 (or maybe later if I forgot to update this :>)
Copyright RÅ«dolfs Agris Stilve / Gampixi 2019, all rights reserved.